
Apple's Direction = Unix

All of these Web sites that deal with Apple rumors and news and speculating on the latest thing are not that wise. All these people need to do is look at the job openings at Apple to see what types of future products/technologies Apple is working on. Take a look at some of the Software Engineer or Network positions on Apple. They all require knowledge of Windows 2000 functions, Unix, and all of the Network and technology.

It’s blatantly obvious that in order for the Mac to survive they have to slowly fuse Windows and Unix products into their OS. It’s readily obvious that Apple is trying to use UNIX as a platform to lure potential Windows and Unix users to OS X. When you have hardcore Windows and Unix geeks (like one of the Linux geeks here) saying that they love the GUI for OS X and the same functionality of UNIX, well… It’s all over for the Windows Server environment.

Especially since the Linux and Unix GUI will never get past the DOS look. That is the downfall to Linux and Unix, they can’t do anymore the user interface than what they have already done. Somehow, the Apple team, has managed to incorporate the Darwin and BSD kernel. Whoa, OS X has been in development for over ten years!

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.