
Clickable Link: CNET's Special iMac Report

Many thanks to readers for pointing us towards CNET’s neat little special report entitled “After the iMac: The Revolution Will Be Colorized.” The report looks at the future of computing and how much the iMac’s design played in shaping it. Here’s a snippet of the introduction:

It’s been a year since the iMac exploded onto the computing scene. The candy-colored computer has proven itself to be Steve Jobs’s sweetest revenge: the iMac has been an unqualified hit, making it onto PC Data’s list of the top five best-selling personal computers nearly every month since its introduction.

But what’s behind the iMac boom? The chief difference between the iMac and other home PCs is its all-in-one design–the monitor and CPU box built into one package. And, of course, all that color. More than any other feature, the iMac’s turquoise (and purple, green, blue, orange, and red) translucent plastic steals the spotlight.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.