
DIY PowerBook AC Adapter Repair

Apple PowerBook AC Adapter SurgeryWhile we anxiously wait for Madsonline to start shipping their 65 watt Lucille AC adapter for PowerBooks, you may find that your current ride is in need of repair. PowerBook AC adapters take a lot of abuse, in addition to being wound and unwound thousands of times (especially if you only have one) they constantly get pulled-on, tugged, stretched and yanked. And if you’re like me, your cats love to scratch at the white Apple logo on the darned things!
If you’re not afraid of a soldering iron Tony Korologos of The Apple Blog has a fix for an AC adapter with a frayed cable.

This week my 2nd adapter shorted out completely. And since my battery only lasts about 7 minutes I was dead in the water. I really didn?t want to fork out more bucks on another new supply so I decided to crack it open. I was able to fix the problem and put it back together, just like new?.sort of.
First I had to crack open the casing. The supply was obviously designed to be disposable and the casing had no latches or screws holding it together. I had to hammer a thin screwdriver around the edges and eventually cracked the egg open.

Apple PowerBook AC Adapter SurgeryWhile we anxiously wait for Madsonline to start shipping their 65 watt Lucille AC adapter for PowerBooks, you may find that your current ride is in need of repair. PowerBook AC adapters take a lot of abuse, in addition to being wound and unwound thousands of times (especially if you only have one) they constantly get pulled-on, tugged, stretched and yanked. And if you’re like me, your cats love to scratch at the white Apple logo on the darned things!
If you’re not afraid of a soldering iron Tony Korologos of The Apple Blog has a fix for an AC adapter with a frayed cable.

This week my 2nd adapter shorted out completely. And since my battery only lasts about 7 minutes I was dead in the water. I really didn?t want to fork out more bucks on another new supply so I decided to crack it open. I was able to fix the problem and put it back together, just like new?.sort of.
First I had to crack open the casing. The supply was obviously designed to be disposable and the casing had no latches or screws holding it together. I had to hammer a thin screwdriver around the edges and eventually cracked the egg open.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.