
Letters from the Netherlands: Den Haag Resident Ponders Dead iBook Hook

Our PowerPagers Around the World letter today comes from Bert Meijvogel. We’re all Dutch-patriotic this week because we’re so impressed with the MacFreaks gathering — way cooler than your average user group meeting. (An inspiration to PPUG in Philadelphia!) So maybe we can help Bert with his iBook latch . . . no doubt others have suffered this fate, too. Read on. Oh, and while MacFreaks was evidently outside Utrecht, not Amsterdam as Wired reported, we encourage ANY Dutch readers to drop us a note and celebrate Dutch Week at the PowerPage. Readers like Rogier Mulder who do hail from Amsterdam apparently didn’t mind our emphasis on Greater Amsterdam, hello to you, too. -PK

”Just dropping you a line from Den Haag, about 40 km south of Amsterdam. I enjoy reading Powerpage and have been since the beginning. At the moment I am the proud owner of one of the first dual USB iBooks. Previously I used a Duo 230. I also owned a LC, Performa 5500/275 and at home frequently use my Flower Power iMac.”

”I really love my iBook but recently ran into some problems. My iBook does not stay closed anymore. It looks as though the metal hook in the lower half is broken. So, now my iBook wakes up every time the two halves open for more than just half an inch. Without any aid this results in an empty battery the next morning. Tomorrow I will visit a local mac dealer and see if they can repair it. I don’t want it sent to an Apple repair center because then it will cost me at least EUR300.”

”Well this was really just to say hello and not to complain about some misfortune I have with my h/w.”

You guys keep up the good work and I will keep on reading the Powerpage. If you have any specific questions about this beautiful country or Amsterdam in particulair, fire away.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.