
Lombard USB Hieroglyphics Persist

Despite the wealth of fixes promised is Apple’s Mac OS ROM Update 1.0 [06/28/99, 2089 KB], it appears that a few bugs are still lurking in the USB implementation in Lombard. While I was initially optimistic that the ROM update would squash the anomalies that I found with USB keyboards – it hasn’t. The latest issue to surface is what I call the hieroglyphic bug.

MacAlly iKey!

The issue can be duplicated by doing the following:

  • Connect a MacAlly iKey via USB (either port)
  • Wake the PowerBook from sleep (or a cold reboot)
  • Type anything and watch the random characters appear on your screen!

The fix is to uplug the USB cable from the PowerBook and plug it back in.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.