
Pontis Player and Serial/USB Converter Problems?

Following Friday’s report about the Pontis MP3 Player, a reader sent in his experience with the device:

i bought that pontis mp3 player you were talking about on your site today. i also got an entrega usb to serial adapter and its damn buggy. i can’t reliably send an entire playlist, though i was able to get one title after hours of frustration.

i’ve sent a couple of emails back and forth to the support people for the mp3 player and they’ve ordered this adapter with the intention of updating the software. in the mean time, it works great w/ my mom’s performa. wouldn’t recommend this to iMac users unless you’re certain a particular adapter works well.

Just so you know, the converter which was mentioned in Friday’s article is made by Keyspan. It reportedly works “beautifully.”

Here’s a response to our reader’s statement:

I recently purchased both the Pontis Mplayer3 and the entrega USB to serial adapter. I believe the author of this article has incorrectly attributed the bugs to the adapter. The adapter works just fine – it’s the Pontis software that’s “damn buggy”. I confirmed this by replicating numerous problems while attempting to move music to the player when using my PPC 8500.

Please email us if you have any experience using these two devices and would like to contribue your view of the situation.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.