
Rumor: Apple Tablet to Feature Web Cam, 3G Access


The nice thing about rumors and leaks: sometimes they’re true.

Per French web site, an executive with wireless operator France Telecom suggested in an interview Monday that Apple will soon release a tablet equipped with a Web cam, and Orange customers across Europe will be able to use the device.

Stephane Richard simply answered “oui” to a couple of questions Monday about a tablet with a Web cam. When asked if Orange customers will be able to use Apple’s tablet, he said, in French, “of course.”

Richard did not volunteer the information, but rather responded by saying yes to a series of tablet-related questions from journalist Jean-Pierre Elkabbach.

The transcription of the questions went as follows:

Elkabbach: According to weekly Le Point, in a couple of days Apple will be launching its tablet computer…
Richard: Yes.
Elkabbach: …equipped with a webcam.
Richard: Yes.
Elkabbach: Are Orange customers going to be able to enjoy it?
Richard: Of course!

Orange is primarily based in Europe and Africa. It is the fifth largest wireless carrier in the world, with more than 189 million customers.

Apple is expected to announce the long-awaited tablet device on January 27th at its media event at the Yerba Buena Arts Center in San Francisco, California. Current speculation has the unit shipping in March.

2 replies on “Rumor: Apple Tablet to Feature Web Cam, 3G Access”

Come on. Has anyone else talked to a French person ? they allows say Yes or oui to indicate they understand. He is only saying yes to mean he understands the stated assumptions that another sources says the table is coming out and will have a web came. The only real question he answered was if such a device comes out will it work with the network.

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