The Apple Core

The Apple Core: Dr. Tiki clears the air

In a previous blog entry, Herding video content for the iPod, I mentioned one of my favorite video podcasts—Tiki Bar TV. In my post I referred to Tiki Bar as a viral commercial “custom made for advertising to be placed in and around the programming.”
The line was taken from a press release from another firm that was clearly trying to capitalize on the popularity of the Tikieans. I have since removed that reference as it was in error. To clear things up I spoke with Dr. Tiki himself from Tiki Bar TV headquarters in lovely Vancouver, British Columbia.
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.

In a previous blog entry, Herding video content for the iPod, I mentioned one of my favorite video podcasts—Tiki Bar TV. In my post I referred to Tiki Bar as a viral commercial “custom made for advertising to be placed in and around the programming.”
The line was taken from a press release from another firm that was clearly trying to capitalize on the popularity of the Tikieans. I have since removed that reference as it was in error. To clear things up I spoke with Dr. Tiki himself from Tiki Bar TV headquarters in lovely Vancouver, British Columbia.
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.