The Apple Core

The Apple Core: iPod avoids guillotine in France

A proposed amendment to the French law requiring Apple to open it’s DRM to competitors states that those being forced to open their DRM should receive compensation for doing so.
The Dadvsi Law, as it’s called, has flipped-flopped on the legality of file sharing and fines for reverse-engineering DRM so many times that it’s doomed.
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.

A proposed amendment to the French law requiring Apple to open it’s DRM to competitors states that those being forced to open their DRM should receive compensation for doing so.
The Dadvsi Law, as it’s called, has flipped-flopped on the legality of file sharing and fines for reverse-engineering DRM so many times that it’s doomed.
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.