The Apple Core

The Apple Core: Mac OS X on x86 Reviewed

Almost as soon as Apple released their OS X for Intel developer kit enterprising hackers undid the security scheme that was supposed to prevent it from being installed on any old generic beige box. In addition to being able to install OS X on a cheap PC from Wall Mart, they’ve turned it into a sport to see how cheap you can build an x86 Mac.
I’m not interested in installing the hacks to try to get OS X running on one of my old PCs

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.

One reply on “The Apple Core: Mac OS X on x86 Reviewed”

I’m not interested in booting Win XP and all its virus susceptibility, but I am interested in one or two Windows apps that are not available for Macintosh. My preference is to use the Wine APIs at I’m not affiliated with the Wine project, but their approach sure makes sense to me. I can only hope the apps I want to use will work.

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