
TNT 2 Coming to the Mac?

An Inside Mac games article reports that NVidia is considering bringing its TNT 2 3D graphics accelerator to the Mac! However, it appears that Apple’s relationship with ATI could prove to be a stumbling block.

IMG contacted Andy Hess, Developer Relations Manager, who said that while NVidia is interested in bringing TNT 2 to the Mac, they currently have no plans. However, Hess went on to say that discussions are underway and said, “if Apple is interested in bringing TNT 2 to the Mac, we’d be more than happy to talk about it.” Hess said that if Apple were genuinely interested, it could happen.

Echoing the words of virtually every other gamer who has used it, John Carmack of id Software called the TNT 2 “the fastest card today,” in a recent interview (he declares in the same interview that he uses a Mac G3 for most of his gaming). Gamecenter posted an excellent review of their runoff between the Voodoo 3 and the TNT 2 on PCs. This could be a very important advancement for Mac gaming, potentially lending a new legitamacy to the Mac gaming community. If you feel strongly about this issue, be sure to voice your opinion to

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.