
Two-Way iChat at 60 MPH

Two-way iChat Video while driving 60 MPH. Click through for pictures and a movie that show it is possible.

So perhaps you saw on Apple’s web site, the first iChat at 35,000 feet. Well, we have now done a 2 way video iChat at 60 MPH. Using Verizon’s Wireless Broadband, or EVDO, you can now have wireless broadband on your PowerBook, without the need to look for a hotspot. You are the hotspot.
The computer in the car was a PowerBook 15 inch, using an iSight and iChat AV. The quality was surprisingly good.
At, we don’t recommend that everyone use EVDO for 2 way video chats while driving. First of all, it is not safe for the driver. The important thing, is that this technology is here today.
View a picture and download a QuickTime movie here.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.