
UniTrap Mouse: a Quality Deal for a Quality Price

Over the past few days, has had a chance to test Contour Design’s UniTrap Mouse, an enhancement to the standard iMac mouse. Overall, the UniTrap is a very useful productivity tool for a reasonable price tag (under US$15).

Contour UniTrap

Because the iMac mouse fits directly inside of it, the UniTrap may feel a little wide. It is smaller than the iCatch, though, and fits comfortably into your hand. Installation involves some removal and fitting of plastic pieces, which can be a leap of faith — especially if you’re squeamish about prying plastic from computer equipment. Additionally, the UniTrap’s construction enables the user to change the color of the mouse to one of five iMac-style flavors. Nice.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.