News Software

VirtualBox updated to 4.2.16


An update’s an update.

VirtualBox, an open source x86 virtualization project available for free has just hit version 4.2.16. The new version, a 110 megabyte download, features the following fixes and changes:
– OVF/OVA: don’t crash on import if no manifest is used (4.2.14 regression; bug #11895).

– GUI: do not restore the current snapshot if we power-off after a Guru Mediation.

– Storage: fixed a crash when hotplugging an empty DVD drive to the VM.

– Storage: fixed a crash when a guest read from a DVD drive attached to the SATA controller under certain circumstances.

– EFI: don’t fail with 64-bit guests on 32-bit hosts (bug #11456).

– Autostart: fixed VM startup on OS X.

– Windows hosts: native Windows 8 controls.

– Windows hosts: restore native style on Vista 32.

– Windows hosts / guests: Windows 8.1 adaptions (bug #11899).

– Mac OS X hosts: after removing VirtualBox with VirtualBox_Uninstall.tool, remove it from the pkgutil –pkgs list as well.

VirtualBox 4.2.16 is available for free and requires an Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X 10.6 or later and an Intel-based Mac to install and run.

If you’ve tried the new version and have any feedback, please let us know.

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