
1GB DDR-RAM Module for 12-Inch PowerBook

Macup in Germany is reporting that DSP Memory has a 1GB DDR-RAM module for the 12″ G4 Powerbook, enabling one to have a maximum of 1.148MB of RAM instead of Apple’s limit of 648. Costs around US$800 (give or take a few cents here & there). Might have impact on the warranty though if you stick one of thees things in your 12″ and something goes wrong.

Macup in Germany is reporting that DSP Memory has a 1GB DDR-RAM module for the 12″ G4 Powerbook, enabling one to have a maximum of 1.148MB of RAM instead of Apple’s limit of 648. Costs around US$800 (give or take a few cents here & there). Might have impact on the warranty though if you stick one of thees things in your 12″ and something goes wrong.

Gigantisch Erstes 1 GB-Modul f?r 12″ PowerBook und iMac 17″ (24.03.2003 //bo) DSP-Memory bietet jetzt ein Speichermodul mit einen Gigabyte RAM f?r das neue, kleine Apple PowerBook 12-Zoll und den iMac 17-Zoll. So kann das 12-Zoll PowerBook mit bis zu 1.148 Megabyte Arbeitspeicher ausger?stet werden. Gem?

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.