
iPod nano – Best iPod Yet!

The iPod nano is now the best iPod, with just a few shortcomings. It is limited to 4GB of storage, does not connect via video to your TV to display photos and it has a smaller screen than the iPod. The advantage over the iPod and the discontinued mini is significant. There is no hard […]


IBM releases new-free Linux tutorials

Here’s a brand new series of tutorials to help you learn Linux fundamentals and prepare for system administrator certification Exam 201. These eight tutorials cover the Linux kernel, file and service sharing, system customization and automation, and more

Mobile Phone

Hacking the Sony Ericsson k750i

I have been using Sony Ericsson phones with my Aluminum PowerBook for about two years now, from the T6810, K700i and now the K750i. I find S/// phones the best phone for Mac users as it’s almost completely built for it. I use PhoneAgent for syncing and controlling my K750i. It does great things like: […]


Griffin Ships SmartDeck Intelligent Cassette Adapter for iPod

Griffin Technology Inc. has announced that they are now shipping their US$29.99 SmartDeck Intelligent Cassette Adapter for iPod. SmartDeck allows you to control your iPod using the built in controls of your cassette player. Using their unique sensing technology, the SmartDeck determines which commands the cassette player sends to the iPod. SmartDeck is more than […]


PopTunes Wraps Your nano in Color

Regular readers will remember the cool PopTune overlays for the iPod shuffle that we covered back in July. Well, they’re at it again, this time with a lineup of Poptunes for the iPod nano. PopTunes are a clean removing, wearable wrappers for iPod nano that come in a pack of 12 patterns. PopTunes for nano […]