The Apple Core

The Apple Core: MacBook Pro Speed-bumps Delayed

I was excited yesterday to report that Apple had speed-bumped the MacBook Pro notebooks to 1.83 and 2.0GHz but disappointed that they also moved my ship date back almost two weeks as a result. Did Apple just throw us a bone? Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.


Why I Like NewsGator

I’ve been using dozens of various RSS and Atom readers and aggregators lately. This is in no small part because it has been a requirement these days, and where I was once happy with NetNewswire Lite I have had to use various web-based, mobile, and even a few Windows (!!) readers. Like many of you, […]


Chronos Users Revolt (Updated)

Updated Entry! I have been talking to members of the ChronosTalk Google Group, as well as Senior Management at Chronos. Read More…

MacBook Pro

Apple Upgrades MacBook Pro to 1.83, 2.0 and 2.16GHz (Updated 2x)

Apple announced that the the first wave of MacBook Pros began shipping today. In a surprising move Apple quietly speed-bumped the original 1.67 and 1.83GHz MacBook Pro configurations to 1.83 and 2.0GHz today without advanced notice. 2.0’s will begin shipping “this week” according to Apple, 1.83’s “next week.” All models of the new MacBook Pro […]

The Apple Core

The Apple Core: An easy fix for iPod volume issue

The best way to prevent hearing damage from listening to your iPod too loud is to just turn it down – but that’s common sense. Here are a couple of easy ways Apple could avoid lawsuits claiming that iPods can cause permanent hearing damage. Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The […]