The Apple Core

The Apple Core: Notebook battery shortage imminent

A report by Bloomberg’s Tim Culpan paints a pretty grim picture of notebook battery availability until at least next summer. The culprit? The recall of over 8 million notebook batteries in recent months.


Why no SATA 160GB Drive Option in MacBooks?

You can now order a Mac mini with a 160G SATA drive and this is the same physical drive type found in the MacBooks and MacBook Pros. So why hasn’t Apple made this a BTO for the portables? Contributed by: Ole J. Jacobsen


Platform Death Match! 1990-1995: Apple vs. Microsoft in the Enterprise

“Why Apple Will Change TV” compared how Apple is poised for success in areas where Microsoft is currently failing. But circumstances are subject to change! Just over a decade ago, Apple began facing serious legacy problems with its platform, with many parallels to today’s Microsoft. Examining Apple’s dramatic fall provides a series of notable platform […]


Thieves Steal 39 iPods in 15 Seconds

Three New Yorkers are singing a different tune after a run in with police. The suspects allegedly stole 39 iPods and several Playstation 2 games from stores in Riverdale. But it’s how they pulled off the robbery that has police scratching their heads. Surveillance tape from the Target store in Riverdale showed one of the […]


AirPort Deafness After 10.4.8 and AirPort Update

The weirdest thing happened to my MacBook Pro (2.0GHz, week 7) recently. Some time after installing Mac OS 10.4.8 and AirPort Update 2006-001 (version 1.0) my AirPort performance got completely hosed.