
Apple Releases Security Update 2009-001

Making Friday a somewhat official update-o-rama, Apple released Security Update 2009-001, its first collection of security fixes for the new year. The 43.4 megabyte download contains the following fixes and features: AFP Server: Impact: A user with the ability to connect to AFP Server may be a able to trigger a denial of service Description: […]


Apple Releases Java for OS X 10.5 Update 3

Early Friday, Apple released its Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 3 patch. The 3.1 megabyte download, adds the following fix: Java: Impact: Multiple vulnerabilities in Java Web Start and Java Plug-in Description: Multiple vulnerabilities exist in Java Web Start and the Java Plug-in, the most serious of which may allow untrusted Java Web […]

MacBook to Begin Selling Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter on March 15th

If you own a unibody MacBook or MacBook Pro with a Mini DisplayPort and want to export video to a TV or other HDMI device, hang on for just a bit longer. According to AppleInsider, discount cable outlet will begin sell Mini DisplayPort to HDMI adapters for US$14.25 starting March 15th. Two other new […]


MacBook to Modbook in About a Minute

The guys at TechRestore have sent along the following video of a conversion from an Apple MacBook to Axiotron’s Modbook tablet. (Disclaimer: TechRestore is a PowerPage sponsor.) The video runs for less than two minutes and uses some undoubtedly nifty stop motion techniques to make it even more interesting: Take a gander and let us […]


VMWare Releases Fusion 2.0.2

Late Wednesday, virtualization softare maker VMWare released version 2.0.2 of its Fusion software for the Mac. Similar to other virtualization software packages, VMWare allows users to run alternate operating systems such as Windows and Linux distributions on Intel-based Macs at native speeds. Other features, such as Unity, allow users to run and minimize Windows applications […]