Accessory App Store Apps iOS iPhone Software Wearables

Pebble app updated for iOS with better notification support

The latest version of the iOS Pebble app finally hit the AppStore Monday, implementing changes that were announced last week in an online announcement by Pebble. The Pebble Smartwatch app hit version 1.3.0 and adds support for additional app notifications in iOS 7. Previously, notifications were limited to mainly email, text messages, and Caller ID. […]

Announcement Apple Consumer Electronics iOS iPad mini Retail Store

They’re heeeeeeeeere! New Retina iPad mini sneaks into the store

Without any kind of fanfare, or even a spooky little girl to tip us off, Apple snuck the new Retina iPad mini into the online store shortly after midnight PST. No sign of even the store being down as I alluded to earlier. It remains to be seen whether the devices actually hit retail shelves […]