Legal News security

Proposed bill in New York state could allow backdoor access for law enforcement, threatens fines for non-compliance

Let the arguments begin. A new bill proposed in New York could require that all phone manufacturers be required to implement a way for law enforcement agencies to access and decrypt user devices. This bill is somewhat similar to the Investigatory Powers Bill currently being debated in the UK, which Apple has voiced its opposition […]

News security Software

1Password for Mac updated to 6.0

1Password just hit version 6.0 for the Mac. AgileBits’ password manager has just been updated to version 6.0 and the changes are pretty massive: All Vaults View: This allows you to see all of your items in the main app and mini app without switching vaults. Vaults can also be created for families and teams, […]

News security

Apple CEO Tim Cook criticizes White House policies towards encryption

In spite of how well received last night’s State of the Union was, Apple CEO Tim Cook still had harsh words for the Obama administration regarding encryption last night. Cook, who’s currently in favor of unbreakable encryption, offered the following statement: “The White House should come out and say ‘no backdoors’ Cook said. That would […]

Hardware iPhone News Patents

Apple patent suggests move away from 3.5mm headphone jack, towards Bluetooth or Lightning connector, for next-gen iPhone

As frightening as the idea of an iPhone without the headphone jack may be, a recently published Apple patent suggests that the idea may be fairly likely. A new patent awarded to Apple on Monday suggests that Apple may convert from the classic 3.5mm headphone jack to Lightning and Bluetooth. The patent seemingly describes a […]

News Software TvOS

VLC app becomes available for Apple TV

The much-loved VLC app has just become available for the Apple TV. VLC, which looks to play video files in “their native formats without conversions”, is a full port of VLC media player combined with platform specific features. Per lead iOS developer Felix Kühne: VLC for Apple TV integrates with a plethora of devices and […]