Apple Watch Hardware News Patents Samsung Wearables

Samsung patent caught using Apple Watch figures in descriptions

Ok, well, this is just plain embarrassing. After years of legal patent-based squabbles between Apple and Samsung, a recently published Samsung patent application surfaced entitled “Wearable Device” featuring form factor patent figures that were actually Apple Watch designs The Samsung patent, first discovered by Patently Apple, presents patent figures that are clearly Apple Watch designs […]

Apple Apple TV Developer Rumor Software

Rumor: Apple shifting TV efforts towards creating overarching guide, looks to make others’ content easily accessible

Apple seems to have shifted gears from wanting to make an ultimate TV for you to telling you what’s on TV and helping you watch it. The company has apparently started talking to TV programmers and other video companies about creating a digital TV guide that would work on both Apple TV boxes and other […]

Developer Hacks iOS macOS News security Software TvOS Watch OS

Apple to launch Bug Bounty program, will pay up to $200,000 to hackers, cryptographers and researchers depending on bugs found

Ok, this is pretty neat. Yesterday at the Black Hat conference, an annual event designed for the global InfoSec community, Apple’s head of security engineering Ivan Krstic announced the launch of a bug bounty program that will see Apple paying money to individuals who discover major bugs and security flaws in the company’s software. Many […]