
BumpTop 3D Desktop Prototype

a new operating system metaphor

bumptop.jpgI can still remember how bowled-over I was by my first experience of the Macintosh operating system… a ‘desktop’, folders to put things in, a trash can, the ability to point, click and grab… using a mouse. Well that was 1986, and 20 years later I’ve just seen something that makes OS X look tired.
BumpTop “aims to enrich the desktop metaphor with expressive, lightweight techniques found in the real world. ”
Thanks to Conrad and Stuart for pointing this one out.
Contributed by: Brett Jordan

bumptop.jpgI can still remember how bowled-over I was by my first experience of the Macintosh operating system… a ‘desktop’, folders to put things in, a trash can, the ability to point, click and grab… using a mouse. Well that was 1986, and 20 years later I’ve just seen something that makes OS X look tired.
BumpTop “aims to enrich the desktop metaphor with expressive, lightweight techniques found in the real world. ”
Thanks to Conrad and Stuart for pointing this one out.
Contributed by: Brett Jordan

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.