
Bungie to Announce Mac Action Sack

According to a article (“Bungie’s Got Something in the Sack“), Bungie will ship a bundle called the Mac Action Sack, which is reportedly an actual burlap sack filled with six classic Bungie games. Here’s the word from

The packaging we spied was a simple burlap sack with a brightly colored cardboard sleeve containing game shots. The marketing pitch we heard was that Bungie thinks the mass numbers of consumers buying iMacs will jump at the chance to buy half a dozen classic Mac games for the ultra-low price of around $19.

The Mac Action Sack lineup includes the entire Marathon Trilogy, Pathways into Darkness, Abuse, and Minotaur. Every game in the lineup will absolutely scream on an iMac or a Blue/White Power Macintosh G3. In other noteworthy news, Bungie’s Oni looks like it will kicks ass. Period.

By Jason O'Grady

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