
BANG#!^&….. was that the Sound of a Backfire?

The First Amendment to the Constitution is an umbrella shared by a variety of groups. It protects the ability of the public to communicate without undue restriction from their government. There are certainly limitations to this protection and the courts move the lines around constantly. Apple Computer made a fundamental error when they moved beyond […]


No Live Feed – Don?t get Paranoid

The idea that Steve Jobs pulled the live feed in a fit of pique is a bit too paranoid for me to buy into. I have made time to watch it in the past and have had problems with the feed on a number of occasions, so I expect that it just might not be […]


Rumors, Rumors

The frenzy of pre-Macworld rumors has hit an all time high! The iHome hoax, the $500 iMac, the flash based iPod, iWork, the Garage Band breakout box. Read on…………

Opinion PowerBook

Apple: Fix Your Hinges!

Apple: Fix Your Hinges! My five-month-old PowerBook G4 15-inch 1.5GHz is a total piece of crap. The hinges are creaking worse than that old door sound effect from Hallowe’en and I am getting a little tired of it. Each time I open or close my PowerBook the right hinge releases an awful “snap” sound and […]


Don?t Tread on Think Secret

When someone spreads a rumor about you, your best bet is to call it slander and file suit. Go to court and prove that it was knowingly false or malicious and has damaged your reputation and sullied your good name. God forbid a writer got this information from some Archive source, believed it to be […]