
Mac OS 10.4.3 Released via Software Update

The 10.4.3 Update delivers overall improved reliability and compatibility for Mac OS X v10.4 and is recommended for all users. It includes fixes for: – AFP, SMB/CIFS, NFS and FTP network file services– AirPort and Bluetooth wireless access– Core Graphics, Core Audio, Core Image, and RAW camera support– disc recording when creating and burning media– […]


Writer's Block Live

I’ve been reading Mike Evangelist’s live blog of his experiences working at Apple: Writer’s Block Live and it’s fascinating. Mike was a director of product marketing at Apple from April 2000 to July 2002 and was responsible for Final Cut Pro, DVD Studio Pro, iDVD and few others. I


WiFi iPod in the Works

Apple is working on a wi-fi equipped iPod with networking capabilities and the ability to directly interface with Airport Express base stations for streaming of iPod audio…


iTunes 6.0?

Someone posted a screenshot on flickr of an error dialog that he received in iTunes saying “This item requires at least iTunes version 6.0 to purchase.” Check it out at Digg…


Think Secret Scoops iPod Announcement

Think Secret is reporting that today’s Apple announcement will be updated iPods with larger screens and hard drives. They’ll have video playback capability, but this isn’t the video iPod. Read more…