
Expanded iBook Logic Board Repair Extension Program

Another reminder that if your iBook has a serial number in the range from UV220XXXXXX to UV318XXXXXX you may need to have it serviced. The repair program was expanded six months ago to cover serial numbers UV117XXXXXX to UV342XXXXXX.
If your iBook has any of the following symptoms your logic board may need repair or replacement: Scrambled or distorted video; Appearance of unexpected lines on the screen; Intermittent video image; Video freeze; Apple iBook computer starts up to blank or black screen.
The iBook Logic Board Repair Extension Program covers iBooks for three years after the first retail sale of the iBook.
More info can be found in Apple’s iBook FAQ.
From the FAQ linked to above:
“How long is the Expanded iBook Logic Board Repair Extension Program available?
The program covers affected iBooks for three years after the first retail sale of the unit or until March 18, 2005, whichever provides longer coverage for you. Apple will continue to evaluate the repair data and will provide further repair extensions as needed.”
The date stamp on the FAQ indicates it was updated last Friday (Dec 17th).

Another reminder that if your iBook has a serial number in the range from UV220XXXXXX to UV318XXXXXX you may need to have it serviced. The repair program was expanded six months ago to cover serial numbers UV117XXXXXX to UV342XXXXXX.
If your iBook has any of the following symptoms your logic board may need repair or replacement: Scrambled or distorted video; Appearance of unexpected lines on the screen; Intermittent video image; Video freeze; Apple iBook computer starts up to blank or black screen.
The iBook Logic Board Repair Extension Program covers iBooks for three years after the first retail sale of the iBook.
More info can be found in Apple’s iBook FAQ.
From the FAQ linked to above:
“How long is the Expanded iBook Logic Board Repair Extension Program available?
The program covers affected iBooks for three years after the first retail sale of the unit or until March 18, 2005, whichever provides longer coverage for you. Apple will continue to evaluate the repair data and will provide further repair extensions as needed.”
The date stamp on the FAQ indicates it was updated last Friday (Dec 17th).

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.