Mac Mavericks News Software

MailTags and MailActOn OS X 10.9 Prerelease Builds

If you are an OS X user, make use of Indev Software‘s awesome plug-ins MailTags or MailActOn, and have been holding off upgrading to Mavericks because these plug-ins aren’t compatible, there is good news and mildly less good news. Indev has been making the betas of both plug-ins available to the public so that […]

App Store Mac Mavericks Software

Things 2.2.3 update released

Hot on the heels of Cultured Code‘s Things 2.2.2 update comes version 2.2.3 of the popular task manager, which adds the following changes: Fixed a bug with Daylight Savings Time which can cause weekly repeating tasks to show in Daily Review a day early. Fixed a bug where repeating tasks created on the Mac would […]

iOS Mavericks Software Websites

RoaringApps updated for Mavericks compatibility

If you’ve never heard of it, RoaringApps is a web site that crowd-sources information about Mac OS software compatibility, and then compiles it into handy, searchable database. I have both used and contributed to the site in the past and it is a great resource to use before upgrading your OS to see if your […]

Announcement Apple Hardware iPad Air Retail Store

iPad Air hits the stores

It’s November 1st, and that means new hardware, if you’re an iPad fan. The iPad Air, announced recently in Apple’s October 22nd event, hit the online stores early this morning, and are no doubt hitting Apple’s retail shelves to be available when the stores open today. Prices in the United States start at $499 for the 16 […]

Hardware News Processors

Intel, partners looking to manufacture 64-bit mobile processors

Never doubt the power of the mobile processor business. According to Forbes, at the ARM developers conference today, Intel partner Altera announced that the world’s largest semiconductor company will fabricate its ARM 64-bit chips starting next year. The announcement sent shockwaves through the technology industry as Intel is desperately trying to break ARM’s supremacy in […]