News Software

VirtualBox updated to 4.2.2

VirtualBox, an open source x86 virtualization project available for free has just hit version 4.2.2. The new version, a 102.3 megabyte download, features the following fixes and changes: – VMM: adapted to changes in Mac OS X 10.8.2 (bug #10965). – GUI: restored VM item tool-tip functionality (4.2 regression). – GUI: added group item tool-tip […]

News Software

VirtualBox updated to 4.1.20

VirtualBox, an open source x86 virtualization project available for free has just hit version 4.1.20. The new version, a 101.3 megabyte download, features the following fixes and changes: – VMM: fixed a crash under rare circumstances for VMs running without hardware virtualization. – VMM: fixed a code analysis bug for certain displacement instructions for VMs […]