The Apple Core

The Apple Core: 10th Anniversary of Blogging? Try 12th…

The Wall Street Journal published a story this weekend about how blogging just turned 10 years old in which they give credit to Jorn Barger for starting the first blog in 1997. WSJ also mentions David Winer, father of Dave’s Scripting News, and Cameron Barrett, who started CamWorld saying “by widespread consensus, 1997 is a […]

The Apple Core

The Apple Core: What can we learn from Microsoft’s Mac BU blog?

So it’s official. Everyone’s doing it. Blogging, that is. That’s right, pretty much everyone these days has a blog, including a freshy from the good folks at Microsoft’s Mac Business Unit (Mac BU). Their blog, affectionately titled Mac Mojo (kudos on the name guys!) is part of Redmond’s strategy to try to be warm and […]