Android Google Hack Hardware iOS iPhone macOS News privacy Samsung security

WikiLeaks releases 8,700+ CIA-related documents, show agency efforts towards hacking Android systems, iPhones, operating systems and smart TVs

This is pretty much one for the ages. WikiLeaks has released more than 8,700 documents that have apparently originated from the CIA’s Center for Cyber Intelligence, with some of the leaks saying the agency had 24 “weaponized” and previously undisclosed exploits for the Android operating system as of 2016. Some of the Android-specific exploits were […]

Hardware iPhone News security

Hardware hack for San Bernadino iPhone 5c possible but risky

The data onboard the iPhone 5c at the heart of the decryption/unlocking scandal could be accessible via a hardware technique. This hardware technique, apparently, isn’t for the faint of heart. In recent days, the American Civil Liberties Union’s technology fellow and former NSA contractor Edward Snowden have suggested a method that would let investigators repeatedly […]

iOS iPad iPhone iPod Touch News security Software

Uncovered documents point towards CIA-sponsored program to break iOS device encryption, install backdoors

When the CIA sponsors a full-on “jamboree” focused on breaking the security found in the iPhone and iPad, there’s something to be said for that. According to recently obtained top-secret documents, security researchers were gathered at a CIA-sponsored “Jamboree” event wherein attendees discussed strategies for exploiting security flaws in household and commercial electronics. The conferences […]