Hardware MacBook MacBook Air MacBook Pro News

Email notification hints towards possible MacBook Air replacement notebook due to be released on October 30th

The rumor machine rolls on, and today it’s dropped word of a a potential new MacBook that might be slated for release at Apple’s media event in Brooklyn on October 30th. A leaked email received from Apple suggests that the new model will arrive on October 30th. The email’s recipient, a K-12 education customer who […]

Hack iPhone News security wireless

T-Mobile cites August 20th security breach, says two million accounts may have had data stolen

And now the less-than-terrific news. Wireless carrier T-Mobile has confirmed that it suffered a server breach wherein attackers accessed customer data, with the recently-discovered intrusion involving personal data potentially affecting as many as two million users of the major U.S. carrier. The company published a notice to customers on its web site after T-Mobile’s cyber-security […]

AirPods Hardware Rumor

Apparent email from Tim Cook to customer points AirPods release over “the next few weeks”

This one’s from the big man himself. As many customers anxiously await the release of Apple’s wireless AirPods, which were originally slated to launch in October but later delayed, an email from CEO Tim Cook to a customer may provide the most insight as to when to expect the product. The customer offered the following […]

Hardware MacBook Pro News retail USB-C

Apple responds to customer feedback, drops prices on assorted USB-C adapters

Responding to customer demand, especially in the wake of USB-C becoming that much more prevalent on the newly-released MacBook Pro notebook, Apple has dropped the prices on all of its USB-C adapters by $6 to $20. The simple USB-C to USB Adapter, formerly priced at $19, is now $9, while the more expensive USB-C Digital […]

retail Rumor

Rumor: Apple to overhaul Genius Bar operating procedures as early as March 9th

Your Genius Bar experience could be changing as soon as next month. According to the rumor mill, Apple Retail is reportedly in the process of overhauling its Genius Bar experience. In a bid to better serve customers, starting from the week of March 9, a new initiative dubbed “Concierge” will be rolled out to replace […]