News Software

Controversy surfaces over Kagi’s VisualHub updater

There’s good news and bad news. The good news: VisualHub, a beloved video converter utility that exported to roughly nine zillion formats but was discontinued in 2008, has been updated with support from the author. The bad news: It apparently wasn’t updated in a way that the author, Tyler Loch, approved of. Per Macworld, Kagi, […]

MacBook News

Apple discontinues $999 white MacBook

It’s kind of turning into a day of days, news-wise. In the midst of news, updates and product releases, Apple has officially axed the US$999 white plastic MacBook, which has held down the low-cost end of Appleā€™s laptop line for years. Per Macworld, the notebook was bumped off by the brand new US$999 MacBook Air, […]