iPhone News

U.S. government to work with wireless carriers to create national stolen phone database

This could be perceived as sort of “Big Brother”-ish, but also pretty helpful. Per the Wall Street Journal, four of the largest wireless carriers in the US are working with the US government to create a national stolen phone database. Verizon Wireless, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile will develop their own databases and then merge them […]

iPad News

iPad 3 gains regulatory in China, exact launch date there unknown

If you’re over in China, the third-generation is en route and has gained government regulatory approval. And that’s a nifty thing. Per Engadget China, China’s Quality Certification Center granted iPad model number A1416 last week. That’s a sign that the Wi-Fi iPad could head to retail in China “soon.” Additional approvals are needed for the […]

iPhone News retail

Apple to combat scalpers in Hong Kong with lottery system for iPhone 4S release

It never hurts to think ahead. Per 9to5Mac, Apple is looking to combat reservation scalpers through a new lottery system for its iPhone 4S Hong Kong release. The company has set up a new web page on its site for reserving an iPhone in Hong Kong. The page requires the customer to enter a government […]

iPhone News

Argentina enacts ban on iPhone, BlackBerry imports as part of effort to boost local production

If you were planning on hitting up Argentina any time soon, snagging an iPhone there just got that much harder. In an attempt to rectify issues with Argentina’s economy, the South American country placed a temporary ban on imports of foreign-made electronics. Two of the most well-known of those electronics are the iPhone and BlackBerry […]