Developer macOS News Software TvOS

John Coates’ Aerial screensaver for Mac, tvOS, receives hefty update, bug fixes

A cool piece of software just received a fairly hefty update. Developer John Coates has posted an extensive series of bug fixes and new features for his Aerial screensaver, which Coates is programming for both the macOS and tvOS. The new version includes the following new features, among others:

News Software

Handbrake 1.1.0 released, improved user interface, 4K video, other new features added

Following its release of Handbrake 1.0 almost two years ago, The Handbrake Team has released Handbrake 1.1.0 of its Mac utility that can convert video files to several different codecs, it can even rip DVDs and Blu-ray discs. Version 1.1.0, released on Sunday, includes the following hefty list of fixes, changes and new features:

Google Intel News Software

Apple joins Alliance for Open Media, will help determine AV1 video

It never hurts to be on the consortium that’s setting the standard. Apple has joined the Alliance for Open Media, the technology consortium developing AV1 the new industry standard, high-efficiency video code. The group includes Amazon, Google, Facebook, Netflix, Hulu, Intel, and many others. Apple was quietly added to the website’s homepage today, and is […]

Hardware HomePod iPhone News

HomePod firmware offers hints as to 4K, 60 FPS front and rear cameras in next-gen iPhone

Yet another interesting tidbit came out of the leaked HomePod firmware today. Following earlier details such as design and face recognition information, Portuguese news site iHelp has found code that seemingly indicates the iPhone 8 will be capable of 4K video at 60 frames per second with both the front and rear cameras… The code […]

Developer iOS News Software

Apple releases iOS 11 beta 2 for developer community, posts extensive change list

Apple has let the second developer beta of iOS 11 out the door, complete with the following fixes and changes: Podcasts in iOS 11: Interface updates, support for seasons & cleaner titles, Podcast Analytics, more Health in iOS 11 & watchOS 4: Diabetes management, insulin delivery, CoreBluetooth, new Workout data & more New for Accessibility: […]