Accessory Apple Apps Developer Fun High Sierra Mac macOS music News retail Software

Stream Deck 5.0 released, brings extensive new changes, bug fixes

There are some programs that are beloved around these parts, and Elgato’s awesome Stream Deck happens to be one of them. The killer app reached version 5.0 recently, adding the following slew of new fixes, changes, and features to the application that’s genuinely a streamer/content creator’s best friend: Overall A new storefront with five sections […]

Apple Apple Silicon Apps Developer Hack High Sierra M1 Mac macOS News privacy security Software

1Password updated to version 7.8, adds Apple Silicon support, other changes

On Tuesday, software developer AgileBits announced that 1Password 7.8, the latest version of its password storage system, has received Apple Silicon support, and can now run natively on M1-based Macs. The company offered the following comments: Greetings and salutations, everyone! We’ve been hard at work on a bucketload of fixes and improvements to everyone’s favorite […]

Apple Apps Big Sur Developer High Sierra Mac macOS Microsoft News Software Windows

Apple releases Windows Migration Assistant, adds full support for macOS Big Sur operating system

This should come in handy. Apple has quietly released an update for its Windows Migration Assistant application. The new update allows users to cleanly transfer files from a Windows PC to a Mac that’s running macOS Big Sur.  The application, which reached version, was released overnight on Friday and adds full compatibility with Apple’s newly-released […]

Apple Apps Developer Fun High Sierra Mac macOS News Software

Adobe releases Character Animator 3.3.1, includes Speech-Aware Animation, Lip Sync, other features

This is honestly pretty nifty. Adobe has just announced Character Animator 3.3.1, a major update to its desktop app, which allows users to combine Photoshop and Illustrator layers to create animated puppets. The program now offers Speech-Aware Animation as well as Lip Sync in its beta preview. Adobe has offered the following comments: Animation is […]

Apple High Sierra Mac Mojave News privacy security Software

Apple releases Security Update 2020-002 for macOS High Sierra 10.13, macOS Mojave 10.14, and macOS Catalina 10.15 operating systems

It never hurts to snag the security updates. Apple on Wednesday released Security Update 2020-002 for High Sierra and Mojave on March 24. Apple also released macOS Catalina 10.15.4, which includes the same security fixes. macOS 10.13 High Sierra users can snag the update via the Mac App Store. For macOS Mojave 10.14 and macOS Catalina 10.15 users, the update can […]