Consumer Electronics Fun Game History News

Excavators dig up hundreds of buried E.T.s

Relax, there is no need to call up Fox Mulder, these E.T.s weren’t buried by a government conspiracy. They were buried 30 years ago by a video game company. The mid-80s saw a lot of changes in not only the personal and business computing market, but also the home video game markets. The two were […]

Announcement conference History Mac

Ted Landau retires as expo speaker

In a session entitled “Confessions of an Apple Writer”, Ted Landau recounted his career writing about the Mac, which has existed practically as long as the Mac itself. He began the session by announcing that he was retiring as a Macworld/iWorld speaker and cutting back on his writing duties. As he reason, he offered, “Well, […]

App Store Apple Fun Game iOS iPad iPhone Review Software Software

Review: Flappy Wings…yes, another Flappy Bird clone, but not bad

If you’ve never heard of Flappy Bird, get easily frustrated with games, or have twitchy fingers, I’d suggest you move onto the next article. For the rest of you, I’m sure you are sick to death of hearing about Flappy Bird’s crazy rise to fame, but with countless clones of the game clogging the App […]

Apple Archive Fun History PowerBook

Just the thing if you’re feeling nostalgic about the PowerBook

This website was pretty much founded on writing about Apple’s PowerBook line, so I thought this would be a nifty tidbit to pass along. For those of you whose history with the Mac only dates back to around five years, the PowerBook line was the first series of Mac laptops. When Apple made the jump […]

Apple Article Consumer Electronics Desktop Mac Mac Software

Happy 30th Birthday Mac! My history with the game changing computer

So, Friday was the 30th anniversary of the day Steve Jobs unveiled the Macintosh. That iconic “hello” ushered in the era of the personal computer. I knew I’d have to do the ubiquitous anniversary article, but I didn’t realize how difficult it would be, and how many hours I’d loose strolling down memory lane on […]