News wireless

Intel purchases Infineon’s wireless unit for $1.4 billion, gains access to new chipsets in deal

Processor giant Intel on Monday confirmed its plans to buy Infineon’s wireless division for US$1.4 billion in cash. The deal will see the company’s Wireless Solutions group work as a stand-alone company on Intel’s behalf and will give the company access to both 3G chipsets and a faster path to LTE-based 4G. It plans to […]

iPad News

iFixit posts results of iPad 3G teardown, finds changes to antenna structures

If a new Apple product comes out, you tear it apart and report the findings. The cool cats at iFixit did exactly this by performing a full teardown of Apple’s newly-released iPad 3G tablet, which went on sale in the U.S. on Friday. Per the report, the following discoveries were made: – The immediate visible […]

iPhone 3GS

First iPhone 3G S Teardown Goes Live, Shows 720p-Capable CPU

A recently-released teardown of Apple’s iPhone 3G S by RapidRepair has revealed the presence of a 720p HD-capable processor as well as a 600MHz ARM processor, Samsung’s S5PC100, based on the much more advanced Cortex A8 platform. However, official specifications (PDF) show that the chip could run at 833MHz and that, while Apple officially limits […]