Accessory Cases iPad iPhone iPhone 6

Review: SurfacePad for iPhone 6 and iPad

Some people use cases on their iPhones, some people don’t. If you’re in the second group I’m going to give you reason to consider a case. While purists don’t want to cover the iPhone 6’s smooth, elegant curves, it’s easy to scratch its beautiful retina display (and aluminum back) while bouncing around in a pocket, bag or […]

Hardware News Wearables

Apple Watch announced at media event, device to be available in early 2015

This definitely fit into the category of “one last thing…” that Apple historically concluded its keynote speeches with, but it might be worth the hype and anticipation. On Tuesday, Apple announced its long-awaited Apple Watch, a device that the company said will define the emerging wearable devices market. Per AppleInsider, the device uses a “digital […]