
Parallels Desktop 5.0 Released

Parallels Desktop 5.0 for Mac shipped today, its developer citing that the latest version of the virtualization software runs 64-bit Windows 7 22% faster than its nearest competitor on a MacBook Pro. Per AppleInsider, the developer said that the tests, conducted by Crimson Consulting Group, also found that the new Parallels Desktop 5 for Mac […]


VirtualBox 3.0.8 Released

VirtualBox, an open source x86 virtualization project available for free has just hit version 3.0.8. The new version, a 62.9 megabyte download, sports the following fixes and changes: – VMM: fixed 64 bits guest on 32 bits host regression in 3.0.6 (VT-x only; bug #4947). – VMM: fixed a recompiler triple fault guru meditation (VT-x […]

iMac MacBook Rumor

Rumor: Apple to Unveil Updated iMacs, Refreshed Plastic MacBooks for Holiday Season

The rumor mill is starting back up again and The Unofficial Apple Weblog as well as other sites have begun to report on Apple’s expected releases for the holiday season. French Mac site Mac4Ever is citing tips indicating that a new iMac, possibly quad-core powered, is in the works for a possible release before the […]


Parallels Desktop for Mac 4.0 Build 3844 Released

Virtualization software maker Parallels released Parallels Desktop for Mac build 3810 on Wednesday. The new version, a 174.6 megabyte