iOS News Software

Apple presents best of 2018 lists for apps, games, music, movies, books, etc.

The year is coming to a close and Apple has assembled the best of 2018. Apple has compiled a list of the best apps, games, music, movies, TV shows, podcasts, culture, books, and audiobooks.

iOS iTunes News Software

Apple releases iTunes 12.7 update

Amidst a slew of new product announcements, Apple released iTunes 12.7 on Tuesday following its media event. The new version features a number of notable changes. As mentioned by Apple in a popup window displayed after installation, the new iTunes places emphasis on music, movies, TV shows, podcasts, and audiobooks. Absent from that list is […]

Developer Fun Hardware News Software Swift

Apple posts dates for Apple Camp, Kids Hour summer programs

I wish I’d had this during my summers when I was a kid. Apple on Tuesday announced its multi-day summer camp sessions, entitled “Apple Camp,” which goes along with the special kid-focused Today at Apple creative workshops. Apple Camp and Today at Apple sessions are free, but space is limited, so you’ll want to grab […]

Apple TV iOS iTunes News Siri Software TvOS watchOS

Apple releases watchOS 3.2, tvOS 10.2 updates

‘Tis a day of updates and watchOS and tvOS are no exception. Apple on Monday, released watchOS 3.2, which will require that you update your iPhone to iOS 10.3 and your Apple Watch have at least a 50 percent battery charge and be within range of your iPhone before beginning the installation. watchOS 3.2 offers […]

Apple TV iTunes iTunes Store Rumor Software

Rumor: Apple in negotiations with movie studios to offer in-theater movies for rental via iTunes

You might be able to snag movies that are currently in theaters as well as pre-order them months ahead of time via iTunes. Apple is apparently in negotiations with movie studios to allow customer to rent movies at home for a premium shortly after they hit theaters. The deal is apparently focused on allowing Apple […]