Announcement Apple conference Developer Software WWDC

Apple introduces new programming language at WWDC

One of the more unexpected announcements at WWDC, given the audiences reaction, was that Apple would be introducing a new programming language called Swift. Craig Federighi commented on how Objective-C had been the backbone of Mac and iOS development for 20 years, and with the phrase, “What it would be like if we had Objective-C without the […]

Apple Apple TV Rumor Television wireless

What can we expect from a new Apple TV?

As we reported last month, speculation on the next revision of the Apple TV has begun. Now the Apple TV is back in the news with some speculation more focused on what kind of content Apple might be bringing along with the new hardware. The discussion has popped up smack in the middle of Comcast’s […]

iOS iPad iPhone iPod Touch Rumor Software

Rumor: ABC working on subscriber-based streaming app to bring network’s live programming to iOS devices

You can’t knock additional streaming options if they’re offered to you… The Walt Disney Company, while sorting out the future of the online video Web site Hulu, has an app in the works that may render Hulu passé for some people. Per the New York Times, the app will live stream ABC programming to the […]


Apple posts first Mac OS X 10.7 job opening, cites web technologies as integral to new OS

Hype from the computer industry always makes things a bit more interesting, but it’s sometimes informative. Per CNET, an Apple job listing suggests something big will be coming to OS X 10.7. The listing states the following: “Are you looking to help create something totally new? Something that has never been done before and will […]