Developer Hacks iOS macOS News security Software TvOS Watch OS

Apple to launch Bug Bounty program, will pay up to $200,000 to hackers, cryptographers and researchers depending on bugs found

Ok, this is pretty neat. Yesterday at the Black Hat conference, an annual event designed for the global InfoSec community, Apple’s head of security engineering Ivan Krstic announced the launch of a bug bounty program that will see Apple paying money to individuals who discover major bugs and security flaws in the company’s software. Many […]

iOS News privacy security Software

iOS researcher finds WhatsApp leaves traces of conversations behind

Well, at least the world of tech security isn’t boring. Upon examining disk images taken from the most recent version of the app, iOS researcher Jonathan Zdiarski discovered that the software retains and stores a forensic trace of the chat logs even after the chats have been deleted, creating a potential treasure trove of information […]

Hack macOS News OS X security Software

Additional malware strains for Macs surface, GateKeeper still recommended as means of protection

After a hiatus, a trio of three new discovered Mac malware strains have emerged. The strains, once installed, have the potential to access Web cameras, password keychains, and pretty much every other resource on an infected machine. The first one, as mentioned yesterday, has been dubbed “Elanor” by researchers at antivirus provider Bitdefender and is […]