Developer iOS News security Software

Developer outlines possible attack that could trick iOS users into giving their Apple ID credentials away

This might be worth watching out for. Per developer Felix Krause, a popup technique could be used to easily trick someone into handing over their Apple ID and password on their iOS device. The developer noted that it is incredibly easy for an iOS app maker to recreate the Apple ID password prompt. From there, […]

iOS iPad iPhone iPod Touch News retail security

Apple’s iCloud Activation Lock page removed without explanation

Without hint or warning, Apple has removed the iCloud Activation Lock status page, which used to exist at, but that URL now leads to a 404 error instead. The utility let anyone type in the IMEI or serial number of an iOS device to find out if Activation Lock had been turned off, something […]

iPhone News

New round of “Test & Keep iPhone 5” texts hit, scam continues

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it’s probably an iPhone 5 texting-based scam run by people that should rightfully be trampled by irate moose. Per the cool cats at The Mac Observer, a scam purporting to offer you the opportunity to “test and keep the New iPhone5!” began making […]

iPhone News

Apple cautions against “Beta test iPhone 5” scam, tells users to be wary of unsolicited offer

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Per the Apple discussion boards and iPodNN, a recent scam spam has spread from email and forums to Twitter, Facebook and now text messaging. Users have reported seeing unsolicited texts and social-network posts claiming that “Apple” is seeking 1,000 testers for text messaging on […]

News security

Intego warns of new, detailed phishing scam aimed at Apple’s user base

There’s a few things you can count on: death, taxes and various groups of wanders trying to get personal information from you via scams and phishing efforts. Per AppleInsider, security firms have issued warnings regarding a new “well-crafted” phishing scam that attempts to fool customers into providing their AppleID billing information. Intego posted an alert […]