iPhone News security

Security researchers locate additional iPhone security hole, publish findings

Even if you feel absolutely secure in entering your PIN every time you unlock your iPhone, there may still be some security shortfalls. Per a blog post by Bernd Marienfeldt, Marienfeldt and fellow security wonk Jim Herbeck have discovered that plugging even a fully up-to-date, non-jailbroken iPhone 3GS into a computer running Ubuntu Lucid Lynx […]


VMWare Releases Fusion 2.0.2

Late Wednesday, virtualization softare maker VMWare released version 2.0.2 of its Fusion software for the Mac. Similar to other virtualization software packages, VMWare allows users to run alternate operating systems such as Windows and Linux distributions on Intel-based Macs at native speeds. Other features, such as Unity, allow users to run and minimize Windows applications […]