Finance News Software

Apple acquires real-time capture firm Faceshift, intended purposes unknown

It’s hard to say what Apple will do with its new toy, but it’s been confirmed that it just bought a real-time motion capture firm. The company apparently acquired Faceshift, a Zurich-based capture firm, which has worked with game and animation studios on technology designed to quickly and accurately capture facial expressions using 3D sensors, […]

Hardware News

Apple exploring VR gaming, user interfaces via Oculus, Leap-focused job listings

It’s the job postings that show where Apple’s going next. Per 9to5Mac, following a series of job listings that indicated that Apple was looking to hire app engineers to build virtual reality experiences and “cinematic user interfaces” for future Apple products, some new details have surfaced. Apple has several new job listings on its website […]

News Software

VMWare releases Fusion 5.0.3 update

Late Friday, virtualization softare maker VMWare released version 5.0.3 of its Fusion software for the Mac. Similar to other virtualization software packages, VMWare allows users to run alternate operating systems such as Windows and Linux distributions on Intel-based Macs at native speeds. Other features, such as Unity, allow users to run and minimize Windows applications […]

News Software

VMWare releases Fusion 4.1.2 update

On Friday, virtualization softare maker VMWare released version 4.1.2 of its Fusion software for the Mac. Similar to other virtualization software packages, VMWare allows users to run alternate operating systems such as Windows and Linux distributions on Intel-based Macs at native speeds. Other features, such as Unity, allow users to run and minimize Windows applications […]

News Software

VMWare releases Fusion 4.1.0 update

On Friday, virtualization softare maker VMWare released version 4.1.0 of its Fusion software for the Mac. Similar to other virtualization software packages, VMWare allows users to run alternate operating systems such as Windows and Linux distributions on Intel-based Macs at native speeds. Other features, such as Unity, allow users to run and minimize Windows applications […]