iOS News Software

Updated JavaScript interpreter to help boost WebKit’s performance by 2, 2.5x

You can’t argue that WebKit’s been good for Apple and iOS in general. Apple’s WebKit JavaScriptCore is now a “triple tier virtual machine,” offering the potential for 2-2.5 times faster JavaScript performance in Safari. Per, recent changes in Apple’s WebKit open source project (used by Safari on OS X and iOS, and to power […]


Google Chrome 5.0.375.29 beta released for Mac

Google Chrome, Google’s new web browser, just reached version 5.0.375.29 beta for the Mac. The new version, an 25.2 megabyte download, offers the following the following changes: – HTML5 Features: Geolocation, App Cache, web sockets, file drag-and-drop. – Integrated Flash Player Plugin. – V8 performance improvements. – Preferences synchronization. – NaCl behind a flag. Google […]