News security Software

Apple releases Safari 6.1.4 update

On Thursday, Apple released Safari 6.1.4, an update to its web browser for its OS X 10.7 and 10.8 operating systems. The new version, a 52.9 megabyte download (via MacUpdate), includes the following fixes and new features: – Addresses a significant memory corruption issue in the WebKit engine powering Apple’s browser. – Addresses an issue […]

News security Software

Apple releases Safari 7.0.4 update

Late Wednesday, Apple released Safari 7.0.4, an update to its web browser. The new version, a 53.7 megabyte download (via MacUpdate), includes the following fixes and new features: – Addresses a significant memory corruption issue in the WebKit engine powering Apple’s browser. – Addresses an issue with handling of unicode characters that could be exploited. […]

News security Software

Google Chrome updated to 35.0.1916.114

It’s the updates that tend to help. On Thursday, Google released version 35.0.1916.114 of its Chrome web browser. The update, a 53.7 megabyte download, adds the following fixes and changes: – More developer control over touch input. – New JavaScript features. – Unprefixed Shadow DOM. – A number of new apps/extension APIs. – Lots of […]

Apps Features Google Software

Google is creeping onto your desktop

This isn’t the first time Google has invaded the desktop space of other operating systems. Who remembers the train-wreck that was Google Desktop? However, this time Google might have it right…or at least close. Some of you may be aware of Chromium, theĀ open-source project behind Google Chrome, which has nightly builds of the app which […]

App Store Apple Mac Mavericks Mountain Lion OS X security Software

Safari updated to version 7.0.3

Earlier this week, Apple released an update to Safari bringing it up to version 7.0.3 for Mavericks andĀ Safari 6.1.3 for Mountain Lion and Lion users. The updates are available through the OS X App Store application. You will need to quit Safari, if it is open, in order to complete the update. The following is […]