The Apple Core

The Apple Core: Sony recalls notebook batteries

apple-battery-250.jpgCNet’s Candace Lombardi reports that Sony is planning to announce a massive battery recall. Sony manufactures the rechargeable Lithium Ion batteries cells found in almost every major notebook computer sold today.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC):
The recall will encompass all possibly defective batteries, including those previously announced by manufacturers for specific notebook computers.
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.

apple-battery-250.jpgCNet’s Candace Lombardi reports that Sony is planning to announce a massive battery recall. Sony manufactures the rechargeable Lithium Ion batteries cells found in almost every major notebook computer sold today.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC):
The recall will encompass all possibly defective batteries, including those previously announced by manufacturers for specific notebook computers.
Read the rest of the story on my ZDNet Blog: The Apple Core.

By Jason O'Grady

Founded the PowerPage in 1995.