Mac mini

Mac mini Pr0n

So you’re a fan of computer guts, eh? So am I. Macworld has posted some of the first nude pictures (pictured) of the new Intel-packing Mac mini. We’ve got two large heat sinks (F) (one for processor, one presumably for video circuitry). There’s a little perch (G) at the back for the new “penthouse” on […]

The Apple Core

The Apple Core: Apple patents new wider “touchpad”

One of the things that cracks me up is the depths that a company will go to obscure their patent filings. It’s even funnier that the maker of arguably the best graphic design computers in the world with some of the best designers on their payroll files patent drawings that look like they were scribbled […]


Apple’s new $100 Leather iPod Case

Apple’s other new music player accessory: a US$99 leather case for the Nano and regular iPod.
Alas, with the Nano’s earphone socket placement – on the base of the player – owners of the leather case will need to insert their player upside down, which means, of course, you have to take it out completely to look at the display, a ‘feature’ not shown on Apple’s photography. Whoops.

The Apple Core

The Apple Core: ARS Technica reviews the MacBook Pro

While I prefer to rip open the box and publish little nuggets about the MacBook Pro each day others prefer to write a more detailed and lengthy review of it. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. ARS Technica’s Jacqui Cheng has posted a pretty lengthy (seven page) review of the new Intel Apple notebook […]

The Apple Core

The Apple Core: MacBook Pro’s Crazy new LEDs

The devil, as they say, is in the details. And the MacBook Pro is no exception. When I turned out the lights to go to bed recently I discovered something new about the MacBook Pro that was quite surprising. Apple has cranked up the keyboard backlight on the new notebook to several times the brightness […]